Monday, February 19, 2018

Toad in the Hole

"'We must stop eating,' cried Toad, as he ate another."  -- Arnold Lobel

This year, I am really making a concerted effort to save money.  Could I be trying to save up for a big trip in the future?  Possibly.  (More on that another time.)  So, one area we were positively wasting money on was eating out.  We are trying to eat at home a lot more.  So I am taking a closer look at all my Pinterest recipes and want to make a lot more of them.  The problem is the picky kid issue.  And now a second problem is I am now doing Weight Watchers, so I am really looking closely at recipes and trying to figure out if I can alter them somehow, or just say "The heck with it" and use up all my points.

After poking around all my recipes, I found this Toad in the Hole recipe that might fit all of my requirements.  I may have pinned this when I was looking at a lot of Gordon Ramsay recipes as it was surrounded by Yorkshire Pudding and Scotch Eggs recipes.  And I may also have found this:

Isn't he yummy?  But I digress.  Toad in the Hole has some ambiguity regarding the origin of its name.  The most popular  story I could find is that it represents a toad peeking out of it's hole.  I don't know about you, but I don't see it.

They look like sausages in a batter to me.  But that's not important.  What is is that it was DELICIOUS!!!!!  BOTH kids ate it.  Obviously that automatically puts it in our dinner rotation.  And it was easy.  Except for the sausages (or bangers as they like to call them in the UK), everything else you already have in your kitchen.  See the recipe here.  Thanks to for this delicious find!

From my board "Food is essential to life."

Monday, January 22, 2018

Overnight Oats

"When a man diets, he usually eats oatmeal in addition to everything else he usually eats." -- E.W. Howe

Is overnight oats the new craze?  I am not a big oatmeal fan, something about the texture I'm sure, but I kept seeing these pop up all over my feed, so I thought I would give it a try.  And then when my mother-in-law brought me a HUGE container of oats, I knew that it was time.

I guess the appeal of it is that you can prepare it the night before and in the morning you can heat it up, eat, and go.  And making it in a mason jar makes it quite portable as well.

Now, I am definitely a chocolate and peanut butter kind of girl, so when I saw these Reese's Overnight Oats by Let's Eat Cake, I knew this was the one I was going to try.  It was super easy to measure everything out the night before.  I threw it in my lunchbag and brought it to work.  After I heated it up, that's when the magic began.  The peanut butter and chocolate chips melted together and made this smooth and creamy delicious oatmeal.  I will DEFINITELY be making this again!

(Image from Let's Eat Cake)

Now, hubby wanted in on the action.  But he said he didn't think he was really going to like peanut butter in his oatmeal.  Not a problem, because I also had another recipe for Pecan Pie Overnight Oats by Damn Delicious.  This was a little more time consuming because you mix together syrup and sugar and the pecans to make almost like a brittle topping.  (Honestly, I could have eaten all that by myself without any oatmeal.)  Hubby said it was okay, but he's guy.  I don't think they get overly excited by food.

(Photo by Damn Delicious.)

So, overnight oatmeal is a big success in my book!  I will definitely be doing this again, at least once a week.  Now to get the kids on board with the idea!

Do you have any favorite overnight oatmeal recipes?  I would love to try something with berries in it I think!

From my board "What's for Breakfast?"

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Classic Mint Chocolate Brownies

As for the garden of mint, the very smell of it alone recovers and refreshes our spirits....." --Pliny the Elder

In our family,  we are big fans of grasshopper pie.  We even switched out a green grasshopper pie (made with creme de menthe) to a red "ladybug" pie (made with peppermint schnapps) for Christmas - and to be honest, it wasn't really the same.  So I have had my eye on these Classic Mint Chocolate Brownies by Sally's Baking Addiction for a long time now, and decided that it was time to give them a try.

(Picture from Sally's Baking Addiction.)

I am usually a stickler for following a recipe to a T.  However, although I was POSITIVE I had peppermint extract, there was none to be found in the cupboard.  What to do, what to do?  So I had to be creative, and I thought to what I use for our grasshopper pie, which is creme de menthe.  Is it okay to put that in a brownie?  Well, my kids eat it in pie, so I figured it would be okay.  And it was delicious - didn't taste boozy at all.  And while my kids liked it, they said the best part was the ganache topping, and we could have skipped the mint part in the middle.

From my board "Eat Dessert First."

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Road Trip Games for Teens and Tweens

Would you stuck on a road trip with rambunctious toddlers or sullen teens? -- Me

Travelling with kids is hard.  And let me tell you, it doesn't get a whole lot easier when they're teenagers.  We drive back and forth to Connecticut a few times a year to visit my family.  It's not an easy trip (that I-95 corridor in the mid-Atlantic is brutal).  And once there, there's not a whole lot of things to do.  So it's kind of a boring trip all the way around as far as my boys are concerned. 

Over the years we have tried different things.  I posted a few years ago about a ______________ for kids.  And we have used that over and over and over.  I have had workbooks that I have pulled pages out of.  I have downloaded appropriate worksheets from  That keeps them occupied for a bit.  They love games where the whole family is involved, so it has to be an oral game so the driver can participate too.

I've notice that the game "Would you rather....?" has become very popular recently.  I see it all over Pinterest, and all different categories for different holidays and such.  My boys love playing this.  We've bought a card game and try to come up with our own scenarios.  But Landeelu has provided a whole list of Would You Rather questions.

I love that you can just print the questions and cut them out into strips.  I put them in a little jar and have left it in the car so it is ready anytime we are on the road.

Do you have any games that you and your teens like to play in the car?

From my board "Children make your life important."

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Sausage and Cheese Biscuits

"One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast." -- Robert A. Heinlein

OK.  So I have created a summer bucket list for my kids to do.  This is the first summer that they are home alone all day while both parental units are working.  I don't want them to get bored, and I certainly don't want them fighting and ready to kill each other by the time I walk in the door at the end of the day. 

So I thought, why don't I create a bucket list for myself.  I have taken each of my Pinterest boards and selected one pin that I would like to complete by the end of the year.  I have taken some liberties with this - I'm not going to try to complete a St. Patrick's Day or Valentine's Day pin by the end of the year (since it is July).  So I've allowed myself a few allowances (can I use the same work twice in a sentence?).

It started today.  Happy Independence Day everyone.  (It started as a rainy day here in Virginia.  I told my boys that our countries forefathers are crying over the condition our country is in today, but I digress.)  Nobody is at work.  Nobody is at school.  I decided it was the perfect time to try a new breakfast item.  Everybody in my family loves breakfast meat, so I thought Sausage and Cheese Biscuits by Taste and Tell would be perfect.

What I loved about this recipe is that you make these biscuits from scratch.  Don't get me wrong - I am all about the ease and convenience of mixes and starters and such.  But sometimes I wonder how much more difficult would it be to make it from scratch, and know exactly what's in your food.  So, these were perfect.  The hardest part?  Cutting the butter into the flour.  Note to my mother-in-law:  a pastry cutter would be a great gift!  I would get much more use out of it than a frozen drink mixer.  (No, no, no.  It wasn't THAT kind of frozen drink mixer ladies.)  Other than that, super easy.

So hubby and I thought they were yummy.  The boys complained that there was not enough sausage in them so B proceeded to cook the rest of the sausages that I did not use.  The good news is there are leftovers so I get to take one for breakfast tomorrow!

This gets a family score of 3 stars - liked it, but not going to make this every week. 

(From my board "What's For Breakfast?")

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Would you rather.....?

"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other."
 -- Burton Hillis

DH had surgery last month and this has required a lot of car rides back and forth to doctor's offices for check-ups and follow-ups and what not.  And due to the nature of his surgery, he is not yet able to drive long distances, so I have been doing all of the driving.  These trips can be somewhat monotonous, especially when then kids are with us.  And on occasion, one of their electronic devices runs out of batteries.  *The Horror* 

Well, I was ready for it this last time with a rousing Christmas rendition of Would you rather?  For those of you who don't know the game, the premise if very simple.  You ask the question would you rather, and then you have a choice of two answers.  Boys like this game because when they make up the questions, they inevitable involve something gross like eat your own boogers, or eat someone else's earwax.  Ewwwwww.  But you get the picture.

Birthday Party Ideas 4 Kids has a Christmas version of this game.  With a wide variety of questions.  Would you rather be in a scene from the movie Home Alone or Elf?  (Me - Elf.  The kids - Home Alone) Would you rather wrap 100 presents or decorate 10 trees?  (Me - wrap presents.  The kids - decorate trees.)Would you rather have a red Rudolph nose or a Frosty button nose?  (I don't think we got a straight answer on this one.)  You get the idea.  And we usually require our kids to give their reasons - it turns into some pretty hilarious and thought-provoking discussions.

From my board "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"

Monday, December 19, 2016

Elf on the Shelf (again)

"Being a parent is holding the magic of childhood safely in your hand." - Unknown

Is anyone else completely elfed out by now?  Now that I don't work nights anymore, I have taken over the nightly duty of the elves, as it has been relinquished by my husband.  I don't know if I've just been doing it so many years that I'm tired out by it or just have run out of new and exciting ideas.  So of course I turn to trusty Pinterest for inspiration.

And it never disappoints. has gathered 101 Elf on the Shelf ideas.  There was one I particularly liked.

Boy were the boys disappointed when they couldn't find all 6!  Don't fear, they did find it later after school.

French elves hanging out in the front door wreath checking out the neighborhood activities.

 Creepy peeping tom elf!

Sorry so few pictures, but I had to rely on many repeats from past years.  Need to get my game on again for next year!

From my board "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"