Monday, November 25, 2013

Thanksgiving Bingo (and other fun activities)

So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.
~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving

The best part about having to work the night before Thanksgiving?  Not having to host it, and no one expects me to do much.  All right, in all honesty, we're not hosting it because we are the ones who moved away and will be returning home to celebrate with the rest of the family.

So not having to think about planning out Thanksgiving, I can focus more on the fun stuff.  Well, I did offer to bring desserts because desserts are fun and everybody likes them.  But more than that, I can focus on the FUN stuff.  There are going to be 7 little cousins there, varying in age from 3 to 12. 

Why didn't I do these things when my kids were little?  Well, that is exactly the reason.  My kids were little.  When you're having to worry about the holiday and entertaining young children, you don't have the time, or let's face it, the energy to do all the extra fun stuff!  So thanks to Pinterest, we are going to have a blast this Thanksgiving. 

Firstly, for my cousin-in-law (is that even a relative?  It should be because she is AWESOME!), we are going to keep this in mind.  I found this fun Thanksgiving Bingo from Bit Rebels which looks like it will be a blast.  I already know I will be able to check of the existance of a "kids table," someone will be thankful for their family, and there will DEFINITELY be someone complaining they don't like that type of food (Spoiler alert:  It will be one of my kids.)

Next I put together a trivia quiz for the grown-ups and older kids.  I mixed and matched questions from different sites to make my own, but I looked at Prettie PartiesTurnstyle Vogue, and Funsational.  They all had fun little trivia quizzes, but I wanted to make one of my own.

And I can't forget the little ones.  Crazy Little Projects has a cute Thanksgiving Bingo that I think they are going to love!

Found on my board "Give thanks for unknown blessings."

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