Sunday, February 1, 2015

Peanut Butter Football Dip

"Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart."
-- Erma Bombeck

I recently saw a magazine article, or more likely it was a post on Facebook, because who actually reads magazines any more?  I mean, unless you're sitting in a doctor's office waiting for your appointment, and those magazies you already read about 3 years ago, and all the good recipes are torn out of them.  Anyway, this story was about a blogger or reporter or someone who lived her life according to Pinterest for one week.  Sounds like fun, but a bit time consuming.  And as I looked at all my pins, I realized that I have only attempted a small percentage of my pins.  Why am I pinning all this stuff if I'm never going to use it.  And the things that are tried and true, I do again, and again, and again.
So I feel the need to expand my horizons more and make more of an effort to do things, and not just the recipes, from all my different recipe boards.
(Speaking of so many boards, when ARE they going to come up with a board within a board.  You know.  For example, you have a recipe board, and on that board you can pin your other food boards - appetizers, desserts, sides, etc.  I have ONLY recommended it to them monthly for the past year.  At this point, Pinterest is probably so sick of me that they won't do it just to spite me!  But seriously, tell me you haven't wished for that too.)
But I digress.  Actually yesterday I did make something that's been pinned a while.  A peanut butter dip.  This particular one was covered in chocolate sprinkles/jimmies/shots - whatever you call them - and shaped to look like a football, so it was perfect for me to make to bring in to work for the Super Bowl.  And it is DELICIOUS!!!!!  (I probably have single-handedly eaten half of it.  There goes the diet,)  Here is the link to the post:  Peanut Butter Football Dip by  

I LOVE peanut butter and chocolate, so this was super good.  I brought pretzels to dip in, which is a good choice because the saltiness kind of counter balances the sweetness of the dip.  I also brought graham crackers which everybody loved.  I bet sliced apple would also be good with it.  (If there is any leftover, I am going to take it home and finish it off with some fruit!)

(It's a LOT harder than it looks to get all those sprinkles to stay on - especially on the sides!!!)

And yes, my team won the Super Bowl.  So I didn't need to drown my sorrows in dip.  I did share (some) of it.  #PatsNation  #GoPats 

From my board "Game Day."

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