Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Elf on the Shelf

Okay, I am just going to get this out there.  I LOVE ELF ON THE SHELF!!!  There are 2 camps on this one.  You either love him, or you don't.  (Actually 3 camps, because there are a lot of people out there who don't even know who the elf on the shelf is.)  And for those of you who don't, here is a link to help you out:  Elf on the Shelf

Long story short.  The elf appears before Christmas.  The kids find him, he secretly flies back to the North Pole at night, reports to the big guy what went on during the day, then flies back and is in a new place in the morning.  Here is the key point to remember.  You CANNOT touch the elf, or his magic will be gone.  We were visiting my best friend, and there was the elf, lying in a pile of stuffed animals.  My youngest child, B, saw him and very sadly told me, "All of the magic is gone from E's elf."  It was very sad.

This year, thanks to Pinterest, I have gotten TONS of ideas for what to do with this elf.  And now that the kids are getting older, it's getting fun to be creative rather than just placing him on the chandelier or what have you.  Now I agree with those people who think that they are not going to pick up after the elves.  Why would I create more work for myself?  Keep it simple and easy, and then it's fun.

So here is what our 2 elves have been up to so far this Christmas season.  (Yes, I have two elves.  I have two kids, therefore I have two elves.)

Chubby Cheeks found the stash of Halloween candy
(B was NOT amused)
They were found getting into some more candy and apparently were captured by the miniature toys.
Found watching the movie "Elf."  What else?

Reminding us how many more days we have to behave.

Playing Christmas Scrabble.
Attempting to help with the outside lights.
So as you can see, they've been providing some fun, benign mischief around our house.  (They even wound up in the car on the morning we drove up to New England!!!)  And believe it or not, both boys can tell them apart and even know which is which - Chubby Cheeks, and Zack.  They even know from year to year.  I don't know, they look the same to me.

 (From my "Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas" board.)

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