Friday, September 6, 2013

Smothered Chicken

 "A chicken in every pot"
-- 1928 Republican Party campaign slogan

OK.  First off, how can you NOT love something from a blog entitled "Bacon, Butter, Cheese & Garlic"?  As it says under their title, "The four new food groups!" I have to agree.  I mean, how horrible would the rest of food taste if we did not have these 4 things?!?!?!  Although as far as I'm concerned, they should be 4 of the 5 new food groups, the fifth being chocolate. **

Anyway, this recipe was way down on my board.  I don't know why I waited so long to make it.  Maybe our move interferred.  Maybe I was waiting for the perfect opportunity.  Whatever it was, when I was scrolling through the other day, I knew the time had come.  And I looked forward all day to making this.

I know that I have said earlier that the fewer steps, the better (for me).  But this recipe was so easy, it was worth the extra steps.  And I love the way it was written.  She said that the "spinich will shrink ridiculously."  Gotta love that terminology!  (I used an 8 oz package of baby spinich.  I would probably add some more, because I LOVED the spinich in this.)  I also used Neuchatel Cream cheese.   A little less fat, but it didn't seem to affect the consistency or taste at all.) 

Although my boys cringed when they saw spinich and (gasp!) mushrooms on their chicken, once I scraped it off, they gobbled it right down.  This chicken was moist and delicious. 

My ONLY complaint was that these portion sizes were HUGE!  I couldn't even finish a whole breast.  I will definitely try breast tenderloins the next time I make this.  (And yes.  There will definitely be a next time.)

The horrible thing?  I didn't even take a picture when I was done!  I threw this together after soccer practice, and we were just too hungry to wait any longer.  But I can assure you, it looked just a delicious as the picture from the blog.

**The other day, hubby brought me out for Thai food, which I haven't had in a while.  As I bit into a Nam-Viet roll which was sitting on a basil leaf, I thought that that must be the problem with American food.  There's no flavor to our food.  We don't use herbs and spices the way the rest of the world does, and I am convinced that the more flavorful food it, the more quickly you become satisfied and therefor eat less.  Not a sermon, just a thought!

From the board "Food is Essential to Life"

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