Saturday, November 15, 2014

How to Take Sharp and In-Focus Action Photos

A good snapshot stops a moment
 from running away.
-- Eudora Welty

Kids are always on the move, always moving, never sitting still.  How, then, do you ever manage to get a good picture of them? 

B is playing soccer for the first time this year.  And of course, it was the last game of the season, and I STILL had not taken any pictures of him playing.  (Isn't it always like that for the 2nd child?)  Anyway, I went loaded with camera, determined I was going to get some good shots.  And since I had a few minutes before the game started, I looked quick on-line to see if I could learn how to use that darn thing and actually take some good action pictures.  I found How to Take Tack-Sharp Action Photos by  Their directions were super easy and they break them down even further for Canon and Nikon cameras.  The following is copied directly from their website.

The Quick Version:
How to Take Tack-Sharp Action Photos
  • Put the camera in Shutter Priority (TV or S) mode
  • Set the shutter speed to 1/1000
  • Change the focus mode to AI-SERVO
  • Change the shooting mode to High Speed Continuous
  • Set the focus point to right in the middle (Zone or Point).
Following the above, the are the shots I ended up with.

Not bad.  Unfortunately the purple dragons did NOT win the game (or the season for that matter), but I think they had fun while they were doing it.

From my board "A picture is worth a thousand words."

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