Saturday, November 22, 2014

Road Trip Fun

"In America there are two classes of travel - first class, and with children."
--Robert Benchley

About 3 times a year, we make the pilgrimmage back to the homeland.  The homeland being Connecticut of course.  It used to be about a 6 hour trip, but with our move it has increased to 8 hours.  We do usually manage to break it up into a couple of segments, either staying with the in-laws or with my best friend.  But still it's a lot of driving over the course of two days.  

I've always tried to have activities for the kids to do in the car.  We play the alphabet game, the license plate game and others that we make up.  I've found downloads on the internet to print out, and I've even used to print out activity sheets.  FYI: as a non-member, you can only print out a certain number of sheets per month.  So choose wisely.  Once downloaded, you can download that page as much as you want.  I've printed out individual state worksheets to find out more about a state we are driving through.  I printed out information about Gettysburg when we went there last year.  And I've printed out science pages to go along with our trip to the Virginia Science Museum.  So I've gathered a collection of pages as resources.  But I've always thought, wouldn't it be nice to have a compilation of all kinds of games and activity pages.

Well, there's no reason to reinvent the wheel.  The folks at Ultimate Road Trip Games have already done it for you!  
There is so much on here.  Scavenger hunts for license plates (and if you're in a particular state, all the different license plates just for that state!), car symbols, eateries; games of dots, tic-tac-toe, hangman.  
There's even a secret mission game that we haven't tried, but I plan on pulling out for our next road trip.  Now, yes, you do have to pay for it. It's $14.95.  But once downloaded, it is yours to reprint out forever and ever.

From my board "Family Fun."

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