Friday, December 19, 2014

Elf on the Shelf - 2014

Ah, those crazy elves.  Always up to something.  

Into the Halloween candy yet again.  (When are my kids going to learn to eat that stuff up before the elves make an appearance.)


Everybody loves minions!  Even the elves.

Oh dear!  It looks like the elves got injured in the boys' messy bedrooms.  The little note said 
"We were checking on you like we do every night, 
When we tripped on some stuff and it caused such a fright.  
Please pick up your rooms like all good boys should.  
And Santa will place you on the list that says "Good."

Who hasn't seen the movie "Frozen?"

This elf wants to be like Miley Cyrus.  He came in like a wrecking ball.

It looks like this game of candy chess turned into a game of Candy Crush!

What have your elves been up to?

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