Saturday, December 27, 2014

Winter Salad with Maple Candied Walnuts and Balsamic Fig Dressing

"A salad is not a meal, it is a style." -- Fran Lebowitz

Despite what you may have already read on this blog, I do actually like salad.  I love the chicken, avocado, egg and bacon in a cob salad.  I love feta cheese and olives in a greek salad.  I love the ham and cheese in a chef's salad.  You get the picture.  Lettuce and/or greens by themselves are just boring.  That's why I see all these pretty salads on Pinterest and want to make them.  And I actually did make this one and it was a big hit.

I am the self-proclaimed salad maker for the holidays (along with desserts).  That way I'll get something I know that I like.  (You see, there is a method to my madness.)  And we had a fun holiday family gathering at my in-laws house.  I had to change from my standard autumn salad, to something a little more wintery, and here it was, from half baked harvest.

I love the different textures and how colorful and holiday-ey it looks.  I will admit, my only hesitation about making this one was the pomegranate seeds.  I do like pomegranate seeds and the last time I decided I wanted some, my kitchen ended up looking like a murder scene.  And I lost about a half hour of my life trying to get all the seeds out of that baby.  (Seriously, if someone has an easy way of seeding a pomegranate, I am ALL ears!)  But my BIL came to the rescue and said he would provided the pomegranate seeds.  Score!

I thought it was delicious, and there wasn't anything leftover, so I think it was a success.

From my board "My salad days."

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