Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Happy Fall Y'All!

"No spring nor summer's beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face..." -- John Donne

Have I mentioned how much I love fall.  It is my absolutest favoritest season.  (Is that even a word?)  This kind of sums up why:

But it's especially the bright leaves, the cool crisp air, the burning scent in the air that is just barely there.  

It's the time of year to hop in your car and go for a ride to view the foliage.  It's different depending what part of the country you are in, but this map gives you a general guide of when peak colors are.

And aside for foliage fun, in case you are at a loss for what else to do this most fabulous time of the year, this list from Popsugar has a few suggestions for you.  

My personal favorites?  Crunching leaves, inhale the crisp fall air, stay warm in a cozy cardigan, and my personal favorite which didn't even make the some apple cider donuts!!!

From my board "The autumn poets sing."

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