Thursday, September 3, 2015

No Sew Window Treatments

"Let fall the curtains..." ~ William Cowper

We have been living in our rental house for just over two years now.   And we've been so good about not putting holes in the walls for extra pictures and such.  But I have gotten so tired of looking at the bare windows, that I decided I would have to do something about them.  I guess that's went I've been pinning a lot of window treatment ideas lately.

The thing is,  I have nice curtains packed away in storage, so I don't want to spend a lot of money.  Cheap and easy are the way to go as far as I'm concerned.

And I am so excited about how this project turned out.  My inspiration was from sand & sisal here:  The easiest no-sew windows treatments ever

I've been looking around for napkins for a while now.  The napkins at Target,  where she got hers from were expensive.   So I finally found some at Home Goods.  $5.00 for a set of 4.  And they almost exactly match my couch.  I found some cheap curtain rods at Lowe's, and I was good to go.

I brought them home and honestly thought I could could just nail them up,  because I remember buying these kinds of rods years ago, and that's what you would do.  But of course these came with screws and I couldn't find the drill,  so I had to postpone my project for a day.  Let me tell you I wad being quite ambitious because I usually rely on my hubby to do the stuff that involves the use of tools,  power or otherwise.  So when I asked him to hang some curtain rod for me,  he didn't answer.   I'll assume it's that male-pattern hearing loss that so many men seem to suffer from.  Really. I think it's a world-wide epidemic.

Anyway,  maybe I didn't say it loud enough because I kind of wanted to do it on my own.  So I asked him to at least leave me the drill.  So he did,  and today I went to town with that baby.

Honestly, I look good.  I could almost be on one of those HGTV shows.  Almost. 

So,  I managed to get one regular window and a large transept window done.   And I am pleased to say that this worked out quite well. 

One more window to go.  And then maybe I'll try this out in the bathroom as well!

From my board "Home is the nicest word there is."

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