Saturday, October 31, 2015

Leopard Face

"The leopard cannot change it's spots."
--Vietnamese Proverb

Happy Halloween everyone!!!!!  Whew!  We had a busy busy day.  W was sent off to camp last night.  This morning B had a soccer game.  We ran home, he changed into his scout uniform and off we went to a Cub Scout Fun Day.  After hanging out for a couple of hours, we raced home.  While in the car, I attempted to replicate this leopard face that I found by face painter Hazel Wood at Jolly Good Faces.  I had bought leopard ears and a tail at Target the previous month, so I was determined to make those into a costume.  I am not an artist by any means.

So after a bumpy, harrowed ride, this is what I ended up with.

I wore all black, had leopard print shoes and nails and voila!  Instant leopard!!!  (And no, I don't have orange streaked hair, although that would have gone with the costume.  It's a reflection from our pumpkin light.)

From my board "Happy Haunting."

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