Saturday, November 7, 2015

Soak-the-Day-Away Detoxifying Bath

"There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them." -- Sylvia Plath

Tonight was bath night.  W dug holes all morning, helping with an eagle scout project.  B had an intense soccer game, then ended the day with throwing rocks into a reservoir.  And I worked last night, came home crawled into bed in order to sleep for 2 hours before the soccer game.  So everyone needed a good soaking. 

I don't know about all of you, but I certainly do not take advantage of a nice bathtub.  We've been in our current house for over two years, and I think this is only the 2nd bath I've taken in the large, deep soaking tub that we have.  Such a shame.

Anyway, by the time the boys were finished with their baths, and I had cleaned out the tub. I decided to try this idea that I read at for a soak-the-day-away detoxifying bath.  The best part?  I actually had ALL the ingredients needed, including the lavender essential oil.  I mean, what are the chances?  I was MEANT to take this bath!

End result?  I'm not sure if it actually lowered any stress-related hormones and balanced my pH levels, but I did feel clean, relaxed, and refreshed.  The perfect way to end a crazy Saturday.  This is something I can definitely manage to do again!

From my board "The First Wealth is Health"

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