Day one. The elves must have missed their ride because they were nowhere in our house that morning. And was B ever upset about it! But when the doorbell rang late that afternoon, there they were on the front step in a special delivery straight from the North Pole!
The next day, they provided an elf-sized paper chain so we could countdown the days until Christmas. (Idea from The Little Things blog.)
They must be into Minecraft as well, because we found them wearing these Creeper masks (courtesy of The Lunchbox Memoirs). Fortunately these masks didn't put me out $25 like the Halloween one we bought for B a couple of years ago.
Give it up for hubby who told me he had an EPIC idea planned for the elves this night that I was working. Ziplining has been a popular elf activity as I have noticed on several posts. Kudos to him for coming up with this.
I'm proud that my elves love to read just as much as my boys do. I'm glad there was an elf-sized book in our basket of Christmas books for them to get into.
Shrunkin' Donuts for the elves. Dunkin' Donuts for the humans! (These elf donuts are Cheerios dipped in sugar, or cocoa, or frosting and sprinkles. The ideas are endless. The box is from Etsy shop ThisWiddlePiggy, which at this point seems to be defunct.
Staying warm while enjoying the sights of the outdoor decorations. Aren't they cute? I wish my boys were that sweet to each other.
Another hubby attempt. He told me he walked around the house for half-an-hour while trying to come up with an idea. He was inspired by the elves on the Rice Krispies box.
I guess he's trying to catch some fish for dinner.
Stealing money from the piggy bank! Naughty elf! I hope he's at least going to buy W a Christmas present with it.
Learning the 78 things that one's true love will get them for Christmas. (They may have mixed up days 10 and 11 though.)
Playing with a Christmas train
Trying to blend in with the Nutcrackers

He made a snowman ornament - but it melted! :-(
Indoor sledding
Well folks! That is all for this year. It's getting harder and harder to come up with things. But trying to be creative is half of the fun!
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