Saturday, December 17, 2016

Holiday Sled Decoration

"Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood."
  -- Andy Goldsworthy

I have a friend who is super crafty and last year showed me a picture of an old sled she had decorated and put on her front porch at Christmastime.  So when I was visiting my parents and helping clean out the garage, you can be sure I grabbed my old wooden sled to bring home.  And it sat in the garage for several months.

When I saw a picture again this year, I knew I had to try it and I found this picture on Pinterest.  It was posted by

I wanted a look that was more wintery than Christmas so that I can keep it on my front porch for a while.  My friend's sled had an old pair of skates tied to it too.  I just may have to keep an eye out for mine for next year!

From my board "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"

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