"Getting an inch of snow is like winning ten cents in the lottery." -- Bill Watterson
Sometimes nothing is as much fun as partaking in
I guess I didn't realize how HARD it was to fold that paper so that you would get a six-sided snowflake.
At one of my previous job, there was a girl who one year cut out these amazing snowflakes with snowmen and reindeers and trees and other such things cut into them! At the time I looked and looked on-line (this was pre-Pinterest) era and couldn't find anything. And I am definitely not creative or patient enough to figure out how to cut them so they would come out in such a way.
But now thanks to the advent of Pinterest, I can easily find such directions. As usual, I've had these pinned for a while. And it looks like the link is gone. However, the pictures are good enough to be able to follow the directions. And if you look, you can find other sites which use the same or similar instructions.
This one has reindeer heads. Can you see them?

They look really pretty on windows that are lighted from behind!
Our medical assistant had fun cutting out snowflakes from Frozen - Olaf and Sven designs. We even had a Batman snowflake!
From my page "Creativity is like electricity"
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