Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Addicted to Pinterest

OK, I'll admit it.  I am addicted to Pinterest.  Who knows.  Maybe it is just a fad (probably) and in another year we'll all be on to the next best thing.  I've been addicted to other websites before:  Facebook for one.  Now Facebook is almost like an afterthought in my need to see what new has been pinned.

I mean, I knew I liked it, and spent a lot of time pinning.  But you know it has become an addiction when your husband calls you, at work, to ask you to look for a craft he can do with his cub scout den.  "Check out Pinterest to see if there are any ideas there," he tells me.  Am I embarrassed by this? 

Not any more.  I'll admit, at the beginning when I excitedly showed him each Pinterest craft I had tried, or meal I prepared, I was peppered with comments like "YOU came up with idea?"  No, of course I didn't.  But whatever.  I kept looking and pinning, and looking and pinning some more.  And I think he actually is appreciating my new culinary attempts.

And here's the amazing thing.  This is actually useful stuff.  Granted there is fun, frivolous stuff out there too.  And I myself have the boards to prove it.  I mean who wouldn't love looking at baby platypuses in little fedora hats.  It has got to put a smile on anyone's face.  If you don't believe me, well.....

It's gotten me out of the cooking ruts I've been in .  And if you are looking for gift ideas for someone, I guarantee you can find something for anyone on Pinterest.  It's true.  I am not ashamed to find these ideas and use them.  I have done 3 teacher gifts in the past year and all have been met with rave reviews.  And fortunately, I have lots of options now since everyone is getting homemade gifts this year.

I have tried a little bit of everything.  Some meals, some crafts.  Some of them have turned out amazingly:  the creamy leek soup with brie that was to die for (literally, because I'm sure the amount of cholesterol in one serving could kill you);  Cauliflower Gratin with Parmesan and Nutmeg (even a die hard vegetable hater like me had 3 servings of it).  And others not so much:  who would have thought that a Turkey Breast in a Crock Pot could turn out to be so dry?

So I am going to use this blog to document my successes and failures of Pinterest.  Please don't ask me to look at and try certain things you have found on Pinterest.  I am somewhat of a Pinterest snob.  I only pin things that I actually am interested and will try.  And yes, I do actually go to the source and find the original to see if it is really something worth doing.  I don't have long fingernails and don't get manicures, so don't come looking for cute nail designs here.  There will be food, desserts, crafts, gift ideas, etc.  I'll share the funny e-cards that have really tickled my funny bone.  Some quotes that have moved me, quite literally to tears.

Oh and by the way, that craft my hubby asked about.  I am proud to say that Den 6 is going to be making bird feeders - because I already have 2 different styles pinned.

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