Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Soccer Coach Gifts

“Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection” -- Pindar's that dreaded end of the soccer season time again.  And for those of you who are involved with your kids' sports, you know what that means.  (Aside from knowing you have a couple of free weekends until the next sport season starts.)  End of season party, trophies, and coaches' gifts. 

Last year, I volunteered to do the trophies and coaches' gifts.  The coach was a friend of ours, his wife was coaching her own team, and if I didn't do it, they would end up doing it themselves.  (Ever notice how it's always the SAME people who volunteer to do everything?)  So no biggie.  The trophies were awesome, and the gifts were fine.
This year, we're playing for a different league.  New players, new parents.  Not quite sure how they do things.  So what does DH do?  He volunteers me to order the trophies.  Now, in his defense, he didn't go out there and say, "My wife will do it."  No, no.  He wouldn't throw me under the bus like that.  However, I'm sure his conversation went something like, "Oh my wife did the trophies last year for our team."  What was heard, I'm sure, was "My wife knows all the ropes for ordering trophies so she'll be happy to do it."  Needless to say, it was dumped in my lap.

No problem.  I've got my trophy place.  Free engraving.  It's local so I don't have to pay shipping.  So that gives me a little bit more to play with for the coaches gifts.  It was a little more challenging this year.  One extra coach and fewer players, so less money per coach.  However, I did make it work!  Thanks to Pinterest!

I found this cute idea from A Bushel and a Peck of FUN which worked out perfectly for me.

And here is mine.

The inside was filled with movie tickets, movie theater candy, and bags of microwave popcorn.  What's not to love? 

(I always stock up on the movie theater candy from Walmart or Target or such places when it's on sale.  Much cheaper than the $3.00+ you pay at the movie theaters.)

And the Flaming Griffins had an awesome season!  The did not go undefeated, but they played hard and learned a lot this fall!  Great job you guys!!!

(From my board "Every Gift Which is Given")

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