Sunday, June 9, 2013

Eating the Alphabet - E Week

"The Energy of the Mind is the Essence of Life" -- Aristotle

I really had to use my brain this week to come up with E foods.  But what happens when you tell one of your best friends that you are eating the alphabet and are stuck on E week?  And that friend happens to be one of the most creative people you know, and used to work in a preschool?  You get more E foods that you thought possible!  Thank you Lorena for helping us out this week.

Empanadas was on here list, but I already tried those, and although delicious, were not pretty enough that my kids would eat them.  And it's the wrong season for Eggnog.

Eclaires --  B wouldn't touch these the first day.  OMG!  Are you kidding me?  This is a child who asks for, no actually demands, dessert every night.  He passed these up for some ice cream?  W actually ate 2 and then the next night B was willing to try it.  It definitely passed muster for both kids.

Edamame -- My manager actually suggested this one.  None of us liked this.  It tasted......bad.  Can Edamame go bad? Maybe I'll try a different brand in the future.

Eggo Waffles - Leggo my Eggo.  These are a breakfast staple in our house.  So even though it's nothing new to us, we ate it a couple of times this week, so thought we would add it to the list.  (They have new seasonal Eggos - S'mores for the summertime!)

Elbow Macaroni -- Well as usual, we had pasta on Wednesday (notice the Price brand pasta for Prince Spaghetti Day - you'll know what I'm talking about if you're from New England.)  Nice simple macaroni and meatballs.  No one came up with this idea - it's amazing what you can find just walking around the grocery store.

Enchiladas - Okay, I had to kind of lie to my kids when they asked what an enchilada is.  I told them that it was a rolled up quesadilla with cheese on top and baked in the over.  (It was a lie of omission - I neglected to mention that they have enchilada sauce on them as well.  Does that count as a lie?)  One look from them and they knew this was not something they would eat.  Once picked apart though, they actually liked the seasoned chicken inside the tortilla.  Yay!  I have a new way I can prepare chicken now!  (And yes, I used a boxed set.  I'm busy and hate cooking.  Don't judge me.)

English Breakfast Tea - A few weeks ago, B saw someone helping themselves to a cup of tea somewhere.  So he decided he was going to try some.  Of course W had to get on board, and now they enjoy a cup of tea a couple of times a week.  English Breakfast sounded perfect for this week.

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