Sunday, June 2, 2013

Eating the Alphabet - D week

"D is such a nice letter.  Each day I like it better."
-- Ernie (from Sesame Street)

Who would have thought that D week would have been so dang difficult.  I have to admit, we started off the week by wimping out.  Hubby brought home Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast.

Delicious!  Delightful!  But not exactly what I had in mind when I said I wanted to introduce my kids to new foods. 

I wracked my brain.  I looked at websites.  I looked through cookbooks.  I came up with "dinner," "dips," and "dessert."  Again, not really what I had in mind.  So from my measly pickings, here is what we ended up with.

(I wanted to try a Daikon radish, but had no time to try to get to the Asian market, because I have no idea where else I could possibly come across that. Certainly not at the Giant down the street.)

Dates - Yeah, I don't really like them either, but everyone bravely tried one.

Deviled Eggs - They don't like mustard, so this was a no go.  Of course B who only likes the whites, scooped out the inside so he could eat them plain.

Dolmades - Luckily, my church's annual Greek festival was going on this week, and hubby always gets dolmades. You can get them two different ways. Usually as an appetizer they are stuffed with rice and herbs and served room temperature. As an entree, they can be stuffed with meat and rice and then served hot with an egg-lemon sauce over them. As I mentioned, my kids don't do sauces so we had them try the cold ones. After unwrapping the grape leaf from the rice, they each sampled one grain of rice. Are you kidding me?

Chicken and "Dumplings" -  I cheated and bought a can and then doctored it up with some more chicken and veggies.  However, this one did not go over well.  My kids don't eat anything with a sauce or gravy, so unless it was washed off of the dumplings, they were going to have no part of it.  So I did.  And guess what?  They hated them.  Yeah, because they're horrible!  It's just dough.  Of course it's not going to have any flavor on its own.

I am very sorry to say that the highlight of the week was the Dunkin' Donuts.  And if that wasn't bad enough, the boys got to go to Dairy Queen at the end of the week.  Hopefully we'll have better luck with the Es.

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