Friday, July 4, 2014

American Flag Tie Dye Shirts

"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."
--Elmer Davis

Okay, I'll admit it.  I really went all out this Fourth of July.  I guess because I haven't been crafty in a while.  And this is such a happy occasion to celebrate.  

Found these really cute tie-dyed t-shirts from Melissa A Photography.  Now I am going to tell you right here, right now, that I suck at tie-dying.  Either the colors wash out, or the colors come out wrong (red is pink, blue is turquoise, etc.) and it is time consuming and makes such a mess!  So I actually surprised myself when I decided to tackle this project.  And I didn't just make A shirt.  I made 7 - for my kids and their 5 cousins.  What I liked about these was the design - actually trying to make the tie-dye look like stars and stripes.  My older son wanted his shirt to have a target pattern to it

(As you can see, I easily could have put a lot more dye on them.)

And here they are wearing them for the Fourth of July bike parade!

If you read my earlier posts this week, these are my nieces who are sporting some of the goodies out of their Fourth of July goody bags.  #auntieoftheyear

From my board "You're a grand old flag."

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