Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fourth of July Parade Stick

"Let freedom never perish in your hands." 
~Joseph Addison

Happy Fourth of July!!!  I LOVE holidays!  I love decorating, eating, parties, eating, dressing up, eating, seeing the family . . . . . did I mention eating?  But seriously, holidays are for celebrating.  And what better thing to celebrate than our nation's independence?

So even though I have to work this Fourth of July weekend, I want to make sure that the kids are all well-equipped for the Fourth of July bike parade.  Although W & B might be getting a little bit too old for this kind of thing (although they did want their bikes decorated), the little girl nieces are totally up for this!!!!!  And of course I found THE perfect accessory on Pinterest.  A parade stick.  (Think of a way better and cooler pom pom!)  I saw it and thought - PERFECT!!!

Posted by eighteen25, these 4th of July Parade Wands will be on every little girl's wish list!

They were super easy to make.  Mine were a little pricey because I didn't have any ribbon at home.  I found a nice mix of patterns at JoAnn's, along with a bag of dowels.  DH was kind enough to drill a hole and put the eye hooks on the tops for me.  Then I spray painted them with leftover paint from some Pinewood Derby cars (I hope you guys weren't going to need it next year).  I cut the ribbons to different lengths (12 - 24 inches). Then threaded the ribbons through the eye.  I think I got about 6 ribbons through each one.  I didn't tie them or anything.  They were crammed in there tight enough that they stayed put.  My problem was that some of the eye hooks weren't closed tight enough and the ribbons slid out through the crack.  But once tightened with some pliers, everything was good to go.

From my board "You're a grand old flag."

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