Saturday, November 14, 2015

Cranberry Orange Cake

"And they bought an owl and a useful cart, 
and a pound of rice and a cranberry tart." 
-- Edward Lear

Okay, I am really, really, really bummed about this one.  I found this recipe for a Cranberry Orange Cake from and thought I would love to make it around Thanksgiving.  So I decided to make it for the girls at work, and if was okay, I would make another one to have as an extra dessert at Thanksgiving.  Come on!  You can NEVER have too many desserts at Thanksgiving dinner!

It was easy enough to make.  Except for me - who didn't realize that I had NO FLOUR half-way through the recipe and had to run out and get some.  Again, it wouldn't be a day in the kitchen without some sort of drama happening.  But once that snafu was fixed, it was very easy and everything looked just the way it was supposed to when I popped it into the oven.  It baked in the recommeneded amount of time and i took it out and it looked so moist and delicious.  I let it cool for a while and went to flip it out of the bundt pan, didn't come out.  I even slid a knife around the edges.  Still nothing.  I banged it and banged it on the counter.  Still nothing.  a harder bang.  Finally, half the cake came out of the pan.  the bottom half.  the top was still stuck in the pan.  I had no choice but to scoop it out with a spoon.  It was ruined.  Needless to say, we all tried it and it was super delicious.  I can only guess that despite generously spraying the pan, the sugar and cranberries in the bottom of the pan must have just melted and stuck to it really well.  I am willing to give this another go and see if I can somehow remedy this problem.

From my board "Eat dessert first."

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