Friday, May 31, 2013

Magic Carpet Cleaner

"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing."
-- Phyllis Diller

Now, I am not the world's best housekeeper.   It's not that I don't like cleaning.  I really don't mind it.  It's the picking up everybody's *stuff* in order to clean that really gets me.  So things get stained or dirty, and it kind of disappears in a mess of . . . stuff.*  Like some stains on the basement carpet.  The Wii Fit board fit nicely over them, so they've kind of been hidden and hence out of mind.

So, I pinned this a few weeks ago with exactly these stains in mind.  Of course, I completely forgot about it until I was looking for another pin. 

lizzy writes: magical carpet cleaner

I decided to give it a try.  In reading the directions, I couldn't really see the point of sprinkling on the baking soda, especially if this is a worked-in, old, dried-up stain like mine was.  If you're vacuuming it up, it's not going to react with the vinegar anyway.  But, to be fair, I did sprinkle it on some stains and didn't sprinkle it on others.  It made no difference.  ALL the stains came out.  See for yourself. 

I didn't have to scrub like I do when I use commercial carpet cleaners.  I dabbed.  Gently.  And these stains had been here a while.  Maybe a year or more. 
The extra nice part?  The carpets did not smell of vinegar at all. They have a nice citrusy, clean smell to them. So, finally another use for that HUGE bottle of white vinegar that sits in my pantry all year until easter comes along!

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