Monday, May 20, 2013

Bacon and Egg Stuffed Avocados

"...the avocado is a food without rival among the fruits, the veritable fruit of paradise" -- David Fairchild

Oh, how I love avocados.  That smooth, creamy texture.  The beautiful green color.  Although technically a fruit, I always have thought of it as a vegetable.  And how strange, to me, to just want to pick up a vegetable and eat it buy itself.

Now, as mentioned before, I am not an adventurous cook, and and loathe to try to combine different foods.  Avocados in my mind are good for eating, by themselves, or being made into guacamole.  Or when you find one of those HUGE ones at the Asian market, filling the middle with chicken salad.  (I already told you he's amazing with food!)  So I was shocked to see recipes on Pinterest where you actually cooked the avocado.  What?  That seems SO wrong.  But, since I love them so much, I had to try to see if they could be even better.  And they can be. 

Not too long ago, I found a breakfast recipe using avocados.  For real?  It comes from Recipe by Photo and you can see it here.  Bacon & Egg Stuffed Avocados

(I love step by step pictures.  It lets me know I am going in the right direction with my recipe.)

Man, I was so excited to try this.  And it is quite good.  Maybe I overcooked it a little, because the egg was a little drier than I would have liked.  And despite the bacon, it lacked a salt flavor, so maybe next time I would sprinkle some cheese on as well?  But overall, quite a great breakfast dish.  Packed with protein.  I was not at all hungry until lunch.

(From my board "What's for Breakfast?)

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