Saturday, May 18, 2013

Boston Cream Pie Poke Cake

“We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.” -- David Mamet

My mother-in-law is a lady who knows everything.  She knows everyone in the family's likes and dislikes, preferences, etc.  And she will tell you and anyone else will to listen what those are.  For example, recently she took myself and her niece to a parenting lecture.  It was a fun morning and we all enjoyed ourselves immensely.  She offered to take us to lunch, and not being people to pass up free food, Kelly and I both agreed.  We ended up at the Corner Bakery, a restaurant chain very similar to Panera.  I was told we went because that was where Kelly prefered to go.  She was told the same about me.  Now, we're both smart enough, and experienced enough to know that was were Elaine wanted to go, but she'll never admit that out loud.  Whatver!  Free lunch is free lunch.
A few years ago, I had bought a Boston Cream Pie for something.  Is Boston Cream Pie a pie or a cake?  Anyone?  I think it's one of those things I never really figured out.  Anyways, upon seeing it,
my MIL said, "Oh that's Michael's (DH) favorite cake."  Really????  I never knew that.  Apprently neither did my husband.  So now it has become a standing joke that Boston Cream Pie is his favorite.  So when I came across this recipe from the Country Cook on Pinterest, I had to make it.  Boston Cream Pie Poke Cake

Now this is my kind of recipe.  Everything is ready made and you just kind of throw it together.  Quick and easy.  The kids were very involved in all parts of this.  They especially enjoyed poking the holes in the cake.  And that's when the realization hit me.  I tried a poke cake last summer using jello.  I think the reason that it didn't work is that I didn't poke the holes big enough.  I mean, I used a skewer, not a spoon handle.  Anyway, we followed this recipe to a T and it was AMAZING.  It was gone in 2 days.  And was a perfect "B" recipe to end our Eating the Alphabet week with.

(From my board "Eat Dessert First")

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