Friday, May 17, 2013

Best Broccoli of Your Live (NOT!)

"I do not like broccoli.  And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it.  And I'm president of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli." --
George H.W. Bush

So, I have concluded that not everything on the internet is true.  Despite what the commercial for State Farm says.  If you haven't seen it, watch here:

For example take the following pin on Pinterest:

The pin that I repinned, had the following comment:  "The Best Broccoli of Your Life. A friend said it tasted like a Ruggles (its a fancy restaurant in Houston, TX) style veggie. MAKE THIS. My husband HATES vegetables. And he absolutely loves, loves, loves this dish. He even talks about it to his friends and family. A fantastic broccoli recipe. Probably the best broccoli of your life."
I've mentioned it before.  I am not a huge fan of veggies.  But broccoli is one of the vegetables that I do tolerate, and actually it is one of the only green vegetables that my kids will actually put in their mouths and injest.  But "THE BEST BROCCOLI OF MY LIFE?"  This has to be killer recipe.  DH has been out of town during the week, so I decided to make him a nice dinner for his homecoming.  Beef, basmati rice, and broccoli.  (Yes, I am aware they all start with the letter "B," but that is a completely different post.)
I prepared it exactly according to the recipe.  I usually err on the lesser time if there is a range because you can always cook something longer, but you can't uncook it once it's ruined.  It looked beautiful.  It looked exactly like the picture, which is why I didn't take a picture myself. 
However, it tasted horrible.  Oh, the lemon and garlic and everything was very tasty, and yes, there were crispy spots, but it was dry and horrible and stuck in your throat.  Even DH who will eat anything, literally, said "I'd rather eat plain steamed broccoli with nothing on it."  Ouch!   I can't believe he criticized my cooking like that.  And the kids, who as I mentioned above actually eat broccoli, took one look and announced that it would not even cross their lips.  I made them try it, and they did.  If you count a little itty bitty lick as a taste.  And now have probably ruined broccoli forever for them.  This is one recipe that will not be gracing our table ever again.
That being said, the beef was marinated in a delicious balsamic, dijon, and garlic marinade which I also found on pinterest here:  Balsamic Beef Marinade 

This was delish!  And although we don't eat steak very often, I will be making this again.  It was quick, easy and delicious!

For dessert tonight, there will be Boston Cream Pie Poke Cake.  But as I haven't actually cut into it, I will save that for another post - when I can honestly say whether it was a success or failure.

Anyway, I hope the girl from the commercial actually reads this post so she too can realize that everything on the internet, is in actuality, not true.

(I just realized that my marinade "Balsamic" started with the letter B as well.  Totally unintentional, but fully appreciated.)

From my board, "The belly rules the mind."

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