Sunday, May 19, 2013

Eating the Alphabet - "B" Week

It's B week!

I may be carrying this alphabet thing a little to the extreme.  While out at the Glenmore Country Club in Virginia for mother's day with my in-laws, I came across a bean, beet and blue cheese salad.  In all fairness, I only got it because I wanted the boys to try the beets that were in it, but this salad was AMAZING!!!!!  I wish I had taken a picture because I can't find anything on the internet that even comes close to what this was.  (If I tell my MIL, she'll get the chef there to hand-write the recipe for me.  Yep.  She's that kind of determined woman.)  So the boys tried the beets and of course that was met with a chorus of loud, disgusted "yucks." 

So this week, the boys came grocery shopping with me and helped me pick out B foods.  Bananas was on the list.  Broccoli, baloney, Boston lettuce, bell pepper, beef and Boston Cream Pie Poke cake.  I did refrain from offering them brussel sprouts and bok choy.

Again, the verdict.

Beets - disgusting
Boston lettuce - tastes like regular (romaine) lettuce.  Even the guinea pig approved
Bell pepper - not liked by the boys, but again, the guinea pig was more than happy to eat their
baloney - B's preference and he ate it for lunch.  W still doesn't like it
Broccoli - ewwww.  Please see my post for Best Broccoli of your life (NOT)
Beef - DH and I enjoyed it very much
Basmati rice - both boys ate 2 helpings
Boston Cream Pie poke cake - THE highlight of the week.

They are very excited about C week next week.  To them, the possibilities are enldess - candy, cake, cookies, chips, etc.  I did have to remind them that there are other things that start with the letter C, such as cauliflower and carrots.  We'll see how we do.

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